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Soldarini UV Wormstasy Chenille
4,20 EUR
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Hanak H940BL Streamer Arrow
5,40 EUR
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Andra Verktyg
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FITS Brass Turbo Cones
4,50 EUR
FITS Mässing Turbokoner - Originalturbon! Detta är konen som först gjordes för att uppnå en fluga som simmade bättre än någon gång förut. Konen delar vattnet och skapar turbulens som ger
FITS Brass Turbo Tubes
7,90 EUR
Frödinflies FITS Brass Turbo Tubes - TTT slog ner som en bomb i laxvärlden och revolutionerade fisket med flugor med lösa kroppar. En fantastisk succé som gett 100 000 tals
FITS Ceramic Bobbin
39,00 EUR
FITS Ceramic Bobbin – A classic bobbin design with a ceramic pipe that allows use of the thinnest threads. The neat 10 cm design lets the hand surround the bobbin
FITS Dubbing Brush
27,90 EUR
FITS Dubbing Brush - The most effective and toughest brush there is. Due to quite large head, this brush is best suitable for tube flies, salmon flies and seatrout flies. Brush
FITS Leather Table Cover
129,00 EUR
FITS leather table cover is an exclusive high quality leather protection for the tying table. It comes in two colours depending on preference when tying. Natural tanned or black. The
FITS Organizer
22,50 EUR
FITS Organizer - Att ha ordning och reda på flugbindningen gör det hela så mycket enklare och flugbindningen roligare. Vi har marknadens bredaste, finaste och mest funktionella konsystem i Frödinflies FITS.
FITS Starting Kit
59,90 EUR
FITS Starting Kit - Äntligen har Frödin Flies satt ihop ett heltäckande startkit för FITS systemet. Startkittet är generöst tilltaget och byggt för att binda minst 80 moderna tubflugor. Kittet innehåller
FITS Tubing
4,40 EUR
FITS Tubslangar - Detta är originalet! Det är tubslangen som Mikael Frödin och Håkan Norling bundit med sen 80-talet. Det här är slangen som förändrade tubflugbindningen världen över. Den är
FITS Tubing Needles & Devices
Från 15,90 EUR
FITS Tubnål FITS originalnålen är speciellt framtagen för att passa de flexibla FITS-slangarna. Med fyra olika dimensioner binder du lika lätt på alla slangar. Tuberna sitter fint utan att vrida sig.
FITS Tungsten Scissors
Från 44,90 EUR
FITS Tungsten Scissors are made of tungsten carbide, so these will cut almost every possible tying material. When used in a right way, blades will stay sharp for a very
FITS Tungsten Turbo Cones
6,80 EUR
FITS Tungsten Turbokoner - Detta här är vidareutvecklingen på turbokonen. Mikael Frödins banbrytande idé att skapa en kon som ger turbulens och mer liv åt en fluga bunden i mjukt material.
FITS Tungsten Turbo Tubes
9,90 EUR
FITS Tungsten Turbo Tubes - Ännu en revolutionerande flugbindningsnyhet från Mikael Frödin! FITS TTT har många spännande användningsområden. Det som är centralt är den höga specifika vikten i kombination med
FITS Tungstenkoner
6,50 EUR
FITS Tungsten Cones - Detta är Frödin Flies traditionella tungstenkon. Den kanske liknar andra men skiljer sig avsevärt från marknadens andra koner. De här extremt tunna konerna har många fördelar. De
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for Big Sea Trout
64,90 EUR
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for Big Sea Trout - Here you find absolutely best sea trout flies. A great mix of flies for both daytime and night fishing. Mikael calls it a
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for Clear Water
64,90 EUR
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for Clear Water - Easily spooked fish and clear water demands special flies! Here are Mikael's favourites, presented in Slim Double SALAR Supreme box. Comes with Slim Double
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for Cloudy and Rainy Days
64,90 EUR
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for Cloudy and Rainy Days - This is the assortment for the perfect salmon days with low skies, soft light and a bit of rain – these
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for Flooded Conditions
69,90 EUR
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for Flooded Conditions call for color and fat silhouette! Flies that shine and are seen in dirty conditions, presented in Frödinflies' Classic Double SALAR Supreme box. Contains
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for Low Water
59,90 EUR
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for Low Water - Summer flies for tricky fish and low water. Mikael Frödin's eight small and thin favourite tube flies come in Hook/Micro Fly SALAR Supreme box. Comes
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for Sunny Days
59,90 EUR
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for Sunny Days - Easily spooked fish and bright days are tricky but not impossible! Here are Frödinflies' favourite tube flies in a good mix, presented in small Samurai SALAR
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for The Night
69,90 EUR
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for The Night - Big black flies with good silhouette! Flies that have proven to be Mikael Frödin's best night flies, presented in Classic Double SALAR Supreme box.
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for The Surface
54,90 EUR
Frödinflies 8 Great Flies for The Surface - Dries and skaters that will make your heart stop – flies that give you the best takes. Just do it – dare to
Frödinflies Almost Monkey
13,90 EUR
Frödinflies Almost Monkey may sound unusual, but it's a fantastic and highly versatile material. In fact, Mikael Frödin believes that the quality they have achieved is as close to the original
Frödinflies BTT Nobody Series
8,50 EUR
rödinflies BTT Nobody Series is new super lightweight series of Nobody flies that come in the smaller sizes 2, 4 and 6 cm. After TTT been on the market a few
Frödinflies BTT/TTT Loose Bodies Series
9,70 EUR
Frödinflies BTT/TTT Loose Bodies Series - To fish a loose body has become increasingly more popular. TTT Nobody and BTT Nobody flies fish superb with just a FITS tubing to hold
Frödinflies Butterfly Series
8,50 EUR
Frödinflies Butterfly Series - This is the newest innovative series of soft moving translucent salmon and sea trout flies. The focus is on the movement from the fish’s perspective. No-hackle body,
Frödinflies Classic Series
7,90 EUR
Frödinflies Classic Series - This is Frödinflies' largest fly series. They are called Classics because of the way they are tied. A wing dividing the front hackles and with the balancing 1/2
Frödinflies Hitch Flies
Från 4,95 EUR
Frödinflies Hitch Flies - We all love that broad backed salmon chasing our little fly’s track on the surface. To hitch, on the surface can be deadly effective. sometimes it’s the
Frödinflies Icelandic Nano Series
5,90 EUR
Frödinflies Icelandic Nano Series tube flies are extremely small. They are perfect for low and warm water conditions. Usually the best fishing tactic is to swing the fly fast across
Frödinflies Micro Series
7,50 EUR
Frödinflies Micro Series - The small fly needs to be simpler. It needs to be tied carefully to swim and fish effectively despite its tiny size. With a good taper and
Frödinflies Mikael's 20 Favourite Flies
149,00 EUR
Frödinflies Mikael's 20 Favourite Flies - This bigger assortment is a unique collection of Mikael Frödin’s own favourite flies. Here you find the flies Mikael fishes the most, flies that have
Frödinflies Nutria Shrimp Supreme
13,90 EUR
Frödinflies Nutria Shrimp Supreme - This medium-long, exceptionally shiny, and durable hair has been a staple for decades. It's particularly well-suited for sparsely dressed medium and small flies, zonkers, or especially
Frödinflies Ostrich Body Feather Pack
84,90 EUR
Frödinflies Ostrich Body Feather Pack includes a great selection of spey plumes for tying salmon and seatrout flies. In Frödinflies' search for the best materials possible they found a fantastic source
Frödinflies Ostrich Hackles
7,90 EUR
Frödinflies Ostrich Hackles - Ever since Mikael Frödin pioneered the use of these highly mobile feathers in salmon flies back in the late 80s, people have been struck by the way these
Frödinflies Peacock Eye Feather Pack
89,00 EUR
Frödinflies Peacock Eye Feather Pack consists of 50 peacock eye feathers. 10 colours – 5 feathers of each colour. Half of the colours are dyed and half bleached and then
Frödinflies Pheasant Rump Feathers
7,90 EUR
Frödinflies Pheasant Rump Feathers serve as excellent front hackles for larger flies and superb “spey hackles” for smaller tubes, doubles, or singles. They are frequently paired with ostrich hackles to help
Frödinflies Salar Supreme Fly Box
Från 7,50 EUR
Frödinflies Salar Supreme Fly Boxes consists of four different boxes. Two small - “micro/ hook” box with five compartment and small ”Samurai” box with three long compartments for slim and smaller
Frödinflies Salar Supreme Fly Wallet
Från 12,90 EUR
Frödinflies Salar Supreme Fly Wallet - Already 10 years ago Frödin started using the concept “fly wallets”. When Frödinflies launched first Salar Supreme Wallets with five pockets fall 2016, they hoped many
Frödinflies Samurai Hair
7,90 EUR
Frödinflies Samurai Hair is selected goat hair for salmon and seatrout tube flies. The Samurai fly pattern, with its long, slim, drop-formed design, requires hair with precise attributes: a soft swimming
Frödinflies Samurai Series
7,90 EUR
Frödinflies Samurai Series - The long slim fly was first born with Collie Dog and Sunray Shadow. They were early discovered to be extremely effective and have since been the favourite
Frödinflies Sea Trout Spey Series
7,90 EUR
Frödinflies Sea Trout Spey Series - Ever since Mikael Frödin first wound a heron hackle he fell in love with the graceful Spey fly. The movement of the fibres and the
Frödinflies SNS Fox Hair Supreme - Body
8,90 EUR
Frödinflies SNS Fox Hair Supreme - Body is a slightly longer fox hair, being a great material for tying most salmon and seatrout fly patterns. Back in the early eighties Mikael
Frödinflies SNS Fox Hair Supreme - Body Short
7,90 EUR
Frödinflies SNS Fox Hair Supreme - Body Short is a great material for tying salmon and seatrout flies. Back in the early eighties Mikael Frödin was pioneering with the use of
Frödinflies SNS Fox Hair Supreme - Tail
8,50 EUR
Frödinflies SNS Fox Hair Supreme - Tail is a standard length fox tail hair for tying salmon and seatrout flies. Back in the early eighties Mikael Frödin was pioneering with
Frödinflies SNS Fox Hair Supreme - Tail Long
8,95 EUR
Frödinflies SNS Fox Hair Supreme - Tail Long ------- In the early 80s, Mikael pioneered the use of soft fox hair in fly wings, a technique that has since become
Frödinflies SNS Peacock Eye Feathers
9,90 EUR
Frödinflies SNS Peacock Eye Feathers are dyed in Frödin's signature colours, they boast a natural fluorescence that adds a brilliant shine to your flies. Whether tied in as a roof over the
Frödinflies SOS Organizing Wallets
Från 15,90 EUR
Frödinflies SOS Organizing Wallets - Mikael Frödin has travelled the world with his fly tying stuff. He has used all possible tying bags, all too small, resulting in chaos every time.
Frödinflies SSS Angel Hair
6,90 EUR
Frödinflies SSS Angel Hair is a real all-round material for fly tying. In the smallest flies merely one or two strands of Angel Hair will work as the only flash
Frödinflies SSS Braid
7,50 EUR
Frödinflies SSS braiden är gjord i en kvalite som gör att den perfekt för alla former av kroppar och ribbingar. Den är inte för tjock för att överlappa snyggt, eller
Frödinflies SSS Dubbing
6,90 EUR
Frödinflies SSS Dubbing - Frödin har aldrig begripit varför man dubbat utan att borsta. Dubbingens främsta styrka är ju att ge en kropp som släpper igenom massor av ljus, blir genomsläpplig och
Frödinflies SSS Dubbing Dispenser
39,00 EUR
Frödinflies SSS Dubbing Dispenser - Frödin har aldrig begripit varför man dubbat utan att borsta. Dubbingens främsta styrka är ju att ge en kropp som släpper igenom massor av ljus, blir genomsläpplig
Frödinflies SSS Glitz Dubbing
6,90 EUR
Frödinflies SSS Glitz Dubbing is a long fiber flash dubbing with extreme characteristics. Unlike the usual SSS Dubbing that is built on translucent synthetic fibers, Glitz is built up of flash
Frödinflies SSS Glitz Dubbing Dispenser
45,00 EUR
Frödinflies SSS Glitz Dubbing Dispenser contains 12 most popular colors in a convenient dispenser box. It is a long fiber flash dubbing with extreme characteristics. Unlike the usual SSS Dubbing
Frödinflies SSS Holo Braid
7,90 EUR
Frödinflies SSS Holo Braid - Detta är fortsättningen på vår fantastiska braid. Här har vi tagit fram 15 holografiska färger som med sin unikt starka färg och reflektion ger fantastiska kroppar
Frödinflies SSS Tying Thread
Från 3,95 EUR
Frödinflies SSS Tying Thread - Mikael Frödin have during several decades had a good co-operation with the Georgio Benecchi factory in Italy, using the thread for tens of thousands of flies.
Frödinflies Tri Turbo Bombers
8,50 EUR
Frödinflies Tri Turbo Bombers - To sight fish for multi sea winter salmon with a free-floating fly you are doing the best of the best there is. Skate, free float and
Frödinflies TTT Nobody Series
7,90 EUR
Frödinflies TTT Nobody Series - This is the new Nobody family. With a bit of weight now tied on new FITS Tungsten Turbo Tube TTT. The TTT is the easy, effective
My Salmon Flies by Mikael Frödin
39,00 EUR
My Salmon Flies by Mikael Frödin - After a life with an obsession for salmon flies Mikael now for the first time put his collection of innovative fly patterns together.
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