
Gulff Water Stop UV Repairer

147,06 NOK Inkl. 24% moms
Tillverkare: GULFF

Gulff Water Stop UV Repairer is the quickest, easiest and simplest method for fixing small holes and tears in tents, wading gear, boots, floating rafts and waterproof outfits. The gel dries in seconds, and your gear will be immediately ready for use. The repair gel creates a crystal clear, water-resistant, elastic and strong surface on the broken parts. The surface can easily be fixed again and again whenever necessary. In addition the great properties of the product, the small bottle makes it easy to take with you in your backpack or fishing vest. Competing products take as long as 12 to 36 hours to dry!

The crystal clear gel dries in seconds under UV light, and your gear will be immediately ready for use. Apply the product on the hole or tear and expose the surface to sunlight or a UV flashlight. Make sure that the surface is dry before you apply the product on it. Do not use separate patches. Depending on the size of the hole or tear, you may need to apply multiple thin layers to create the new surface. Water Stop dries within 5 to 30 seconds, depending on the intensity of the UV light. When applied correctly, the finish is non-sticky, rubbery and flexible.

Package size 10 ml.

See also product's safety information.

VARNING! Innehåller: 2-hydroxietylmetakrylat. Irriterar huden. Kan orsaka allergisk hudreaktion. Orsakar allvarliga ögonskador. Undvik att inandas damm / rök / gaser / dimma / ångor / sprej. Använd skyddshandskar / skyddskläder / ögonskydd / ansiktsskydd. VID HUDKONTAKT: Tvätta med mycket vatten. VID KONTAKT MED ÖGONEN: Skölj försiktigt med vatten i flera minuter. Ta ur eventuella kontaktlinser om det går lätt. Fortsätt att skölja. Vid hudirritation eller utslag: Sök läkarhjälp. Vid bestående ögonirritation: Sök läkarhjälp. Innehållet/behållaren lämnas i enlighet med lokala, nationella och internationella avfallsbestämmelser.

10 ml
I lagret
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